MOISA membership
All the members of MOISA are automatically subscribed to Moisa’s electronic discussion list that was set up in order to allow the Executive Board and Society members to discuss the Society’s business in between the annual meetings and to communicate calls for papers, notices of publications, conferences, colloquia, seminars, lectures, performances, research or teaching positions available; scholarship announcements; and invitations for research collaboration.
There are two levels of membership:
Regular membership (€50.00 for one year)
Student/Retiree membership (€25.00 for one year)
Additional Member Benefit
Members of MOISA are entitled to receive a discount of 35% off the price of the individual subscriptions to the printed edition of the journal Greek and Roman Musical Studies, founded by Andrew Barker and published by Brill. For details, please contact Eleonora Rocconi (
How to register?
If you have not already registered, you can join Moisa by clicking the Register button in the top menu. After choosing the subscription level, you can complete you profile information.
Once the profile is completed, you can chose the payment option: PayPal, credit card or bank transfer. If you choose the bank transfer, please, send an e-mail to the website administrator ( with the information about the payment.
Please note that making payment by PayPal will require establishing an account (free) at PayPal.
The information about your account is available by clicking the MyAccount page button (in the top menu). To renew your membership you can click the Subscriptions button.
Members can also pay their fees by wire transfer to the following account:
MOISA International Society
Banca Intesa San Paolo
Via degli Artieri, 2
40125 Bologna
IBAN code:
IT72 K030 6909 6061 0000 0153 122
BIC (or Swift) code: